pitch work

some ideas worth sharing…

be an unforgettable coach

Play Their Way is a childrens sports coaching initiative that provides learning and resources to help coaches improve their game. I developed a simple, clear proposition that would inspire and drive their target audience want to look for these resources; prompting the audience to ‘Be an Unforgettable Coach’. Through evocative imagery and our clever ‘Pass on…’ copy lines I worked closely with our creative director to develop the entire creative platform, as well as activation ideas to kick start the campaign in exciting ways.

Call a Chameleon

Answer is a virtual answering service that doesn’t just act as a receptionist - they strive to actually answer your own customers’ questions with technical know-how. Their staff dedicate their time to learning about the business they are assigned, and customers can give them a detailed playbook of answers and knowledge. This concept is rooted in the theme of a chameleon changing it’s colours to adapt to the needs of its environment - reflecting the ever-changing mini personas each staff member adopts during each brief phone call; like wearing the uniform of the brand they’re working for.


a rebrand for continuous improvement

